Great attention was again given to the Kitchengarden Programme for students - these activities take up the greater part of the annual report for 2023/24. Apart from this programme which took the Anisha team further into the country as new schools were added. What helped was the gift of a four-wheeler car in autum 2023 which gave new flexibility to the staff of Anisha in reaching also far-off and inhospitable regions of Chamarajanagar. In 2023, farmers activities in preparing the grounds for sowing went on as before. They were helped by an early monsoon. As the land was already prepared for sowing, peanuts, along with various intercrops (pigeon pea, cowpea, field bean, castor, vegetables, Niger etc.) were sown. Unfortunately, millet and maize growing farmers could not sow in time in the rainfed land. So, the sowing was delayed for maize and hence did not get the expected yield. However, farmers who sowed millets had a good yield and sufficient fodder for their cattle. Due to delay in sowing in the millet fields, farmers lost the intercrops sown in these fields. Every year farmers lose crops due to changes in the climate. Organic farmers meeting: A two-day training on Nutritional Food Security Through Organic Agriculture was held and 52 farmers, mostly women attended this meeting in 2023. As a follow up, Anisha’s staff visited the fields and gave farming tips to farmers wherever required. As a result, the changes in their farms were visible. Many of them started to collect cow urine and used it to control 20 pests. One farmer prepared panchagavya (organic fertilizer/pesticides) and used it in the maize crop, both for plant growth and pest control. He was very satisfied and shared his experience with other farmers. Hearing this, two women farmers collected panchagavya from Anisha and sprayed their field beans to control the bollworm and the chili crop to control curl disease. They were also satisfied with this Panchagavya. Many farmers continue doing organic farming. Womens self-help groups The women’s self-help groups are carrying out credit and saving activities. Women take a loan from the Sangha during farming season, and repay it later. Anisha staff continue to help them in accounting and bookkeeping. These families are also active in our kitchen garden program and practice organic farming in their fields. This group was also taken for an exposure tour for 30 women during the year. The women’s group was taken to an agriculture mela at Suttur near Mysore. It was a great day for the women to come out of their village and enjoy themselves with their peers. Different agricultural models and medicinal plants were displayed. They identified many plants in the region that they never used as medicine. They learnt about the medicinal plants and their benefits. Women were interested in the one-acre farming model and expressed that they can also do it if there is regular water supply. Women expressed that the tour was helpful and learnt many things related to farming. During the year, we produced 165 varieties of seeds like millets, minor millets and vegetable varieties. Many varieties and a higher quantity of vegetable seeds are produced for distribution to the students and families of the Kitchen Garden Program. This year, the seed harvest was more than expected of all varieties of seeds sown. The seeds were harvested, dried and stored in the seed bank. The students from KGP also contributed seeds to the seed bank. At present, we have more than 336 varieties of native seeds preserved in the seed bank. They are, 62 varieties of finger millets, 9 varieties of minor millets, 15 brinjal varieties, okra, tomato, chili, climbing bean, cluster bean, winged bean, snake gourd, bottle gourd, pumpkin, ridge gourd, butter sponge, bitter gourd, beans, oil seeds, to name a few. Our sincere thanks go to all the organisations and individuals that have supported us for so many years: SD-Nationals, Foundations, Organisations and Individuals 1.The Helmer Family: Support for ‘Agricultural Sustainability through Children’s Organic Kitchen Garden Project’ (KGP) and for building repair of the RC. 2.The Guru Krupa Foundation - Agricultural Sustainability through Children’s Organic Kitchen Garden Project. 3. Susila Dharam USA: Educational support programme for secondary students 4. NABARD – Organic Farming Training for farmers 5. Environmental Management and Policy Research Institute (EMPRI), Government of Karnataka, Training of Youth during Camps Anisha is reporting annually to Susila Dharma International and supporting National SD-organisations as well as to individuals and organisations. Audits are also provided on a regular basis. A FCRA license, authorising Anisha to receive foreign currencies in their account, is in place. The reports on special programs, like the Kitchengarden Project for Students, can be found on the page by the same name. audit_Anisha 2023-24.pdf Full annual_report_2023-2024.pdf audit_anisha_2022-23.pdf Full annual report 2022-2023.pdf 2021-2022_anisha_fcra_audit_statement.pdf Full annual report 2021-2022.pdf Full_annual_report_2020.pdf Full Annual Report 2019 Full Annual Report 2017 Full Annual Report 2016 Annual Report 2015 Permaculture Report 2014 |
MAILING ADDRESS: Anisha . Kadabur Village . Odaradotti . Martalli Post . Kollegal Taluk . Pin Code 571444 . Chamarajnagar District . Karnataka State . India
E-MAIL: [email protected] . PHONE: (91) 9448872207
E-MAIL: [email protected] . PHONE: (91) 9448872207
@ Website, videos and photos by Myra Margolin. Additional design by Osanna Favre and additional photos by Anisha, the Human Force Camp and Renee Zimmer
Updates Renee Zimmer with Valli Krishnaswamy, eMail Renee:
Updates Renee Zimmer with Valli Krishnaswamy, eMail Renee: